can an expired paracetamol be taken

Can i take sudafed and paracetamol.
If you’re pregnant and feel you need to take painkillers, paracetamol is usually safe to take. Get advice from your midwife or GP before you take any medicine
08.08.2008 · Best Answer: Yes you can, when i had an infection in my foot and it swelled the doctor gave me Amoxicillin and told me to take Neurofen for the swelling
The Australian Poisons Information Line informed me that Paracetamol is okay to take with Amoxycillin-based antibiotics. (It is also okay to take Paracetemol with
Paracetamol should always be the first choice as it has fewer side effects than ibuprofen. It is therefore better to take paracetamol first and then use ibuprofen 2-3
Can you take aspirin and paracetamol and.
Who Can Take Verbal Orders
Medicine Pregnant Women Can Take
Can you take paracetamol with amoxicillin.
Can I take paracetamol when I’m pregnant?.

What Can Take On Airplane
can an expired paracetamol be taken
Can you take paracetamol while drinking.21.12.2006 · Best Answer: Yes, because the paracetemol can react with the alcohol and it might be fatal or some critical damage may happen.
14.12.2007 · Best Answer: yes you can take them both together. Nurofen contains ibuprofen which is a totally different drug to paracetamol.
13.11.2008 · Best Answer: yes u can take them both together. dont take sudafed too near bedtime tho otherwise it will keep u awake. hope u feel better soon. Can you take nurofen as well as.